Motion Graphics

At ReyFilm, we value motion graphics and set its importance level high same as proper video framing and color. Motion graphics serves as an enhancement to the video, and many times can take what was a bland video and bring it to life. Motion graphics can be used to add focus to the videos messaging.
Motion graphics can be used as a production tactic to add untargeted production value, but at ReyFilm, we look to use motion graphics to enhance the story or improve the messaging. When we add graphics, our goal is not only to include a piece of modern visual spectacle but a highly engaging visual hook to enhance the videos conversions.
The videos goals and messaging dictate our usage of graphics.
The use of the latest editing suites and software packages by our experienced editors, animators, VFX supervisors, motion designers, and motion graphic artist can fulfill the 2D/3D sequence requirements of any project.
Indigo provides 2D and 3D motion graphics production for the following types of projects:
Independent Films
Title Sequences
Movie Trailers
Broadcast Promos
Brand Videos
Promo Videos
Viral Videos
Pitch Videos
Web Commercials
Concert Visuals